30.3.09, 12:13 AM
I've got loads of picture to upload. Tomorrow if I'm free.ANOTHER SHITTY EXCUSE
8.3.09, 5:55 PM
I've a major test tomorrow. Basic Cardio Life Support Theory and Practical Test. Fuck it, its my 20th birthday and I gotta spend it at camp studying some CPR crap. What's worse they'll confine us past 11 if even one of us fail! Imagine that folks. Some harsh shit ey? Oh well, that's a medic life alright. That is medic life for you. Arghh!! |
muhammad shahizwan09 mar '89 tps, evss, ite, scdf Stn Medic, Bishan Fire Station i'm a twentyone year old who prefers; night to day, the rain to the sun, the weekends to weekdays, grind to slide and black to white. i love photography, and i also enjoy reading and muvee. my status is none of your business but then again it's useless keeping quiet -_- i think girls with specs are sexy. guys as well. i dont do but i do smoke from time to time, cause that's how i roll. i love Chocolate Cream Chips from StarBucks but not as much as i love my homies♂ & my babygirls♀ i've gotten spat and critize for being who i am, so here's what i think of you guys: (-.-),!, Tagboard
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Design: doughnutcrazyImages: yunyunsarang Textures: I II |