20.2.09, 9:00 PM
14.2.09, 4:37 PM
I meet Mrs. Bestfriend today. And guess what did we do the whole day?And apparently I have a very retarded face. You see, when you're confine for about a week you tend to do stoopid things. And if you're lucky enough you wont go crazy. Unfortunately noone told me about it. So.. Lol. Anyways, thanks Ernie and Ayul for the day. I havent had a great fun like that ever since I quit working BCRA. FOOTDRILL COMP
13.2.09, 8:34 PM
What a bummer. Effort after effort, and by our sweat we practive very day and every night. But alas, Charlie Coy failed to grasp that winning trophy. Evidently Alpha Coy seemed to be the better company, better competition. Anyways, that sunday we had an early book in at about four in the evening. My god the heat was unbearable. We had our MickeyD's for dinner then we had to get ready for the competition. Uniform needed to be starched and pressed on, and boots to be polished. Whilst it easy to escape from work and school, NS keeps a toll on relationship. I'm not saying that National Service screw us up. Its just that we hardly have time for ourselves, better off doing our 'pump'-session. So then how d'you expect me to keep you updated on time? It aint my fault, asshole. WHEN?
1.2.09, 1:21 PM
Three week is so fucking long. And the worst thing is as the week comes to an end, the test of all tests starts pouring out. I fucking hate that.Sheesh, gimme a break. Oh and to top that off, the pay is just sad. What the mother of crap am I suppose to buy for V-day and anniversaries on $420 a month? Yeah, I complaint alot. Big deal. -_- |
muhammad shahizwan09 mar '89 tps, evss, ite, scdf Stn Medic, Bishan Fire Station i'm a twentyone year old who prefers; night to day, the rain to the sun, the weekends to weekdays, grind to slide and black to white. i love photography, and i also enjoy reading and muvee. my status is none of your business but then again it's useless keeping quiet -_- i think girls with specs are sexy. guys as well. i dont do but i do smoke from time to time, cause that's how i roll. i love Chocolate Cream Chips from StarBucks but not as much as i love my homies♂ & my babygirls♀ i've gotten spat and critize for being who i am, so here's what i think of you guys: (-.-),!, Tagboard
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