![]() DAMMIT
27.1.09, 5:00 PM
Dang!I'll be back in camp precisely three hours from now. That just suck! Just when I feel right at ease, it's back to training. pe malas I'll only have like three days until book-out day but that's not confirmed since I might get guard duty. That should reeeally lighten my week -_- Why cant 12th Feb come early? At least, if it did, by then I'll have enough cash to spend on my first monthsary(= Not to mention V-day. Come to think of it, the dates arent far. Perhaps I might persuade you in celebrating our monthsary on Valentine's day? I said might. Why am I suddenly talking about random stuff? . . . I miss my sayang. So much. Very much. Too much. Why is NS such a bitch? <3
26.1.09, 3:22 PM
I love my babyboo(: GOODBYE, BESTFRIEND
20.1.09, 2:36 PM
Late Md Yusri,I wish to convey my deepest sympathy and condolence to his family and friends. It is unfair that you had to go so soon, but it seems that God loved you more, then we do. We ( BCRA Kids ) will always cherish you. Those days we spend at work, on our random outings and all. You were an inspiration, a ray of hope, guidance and a place for laughter. You never fail to lighten our days, whenever we were down. A great friend, a lovable person, it is almost impossible to hate you. You were like a brother to most of us. Faithful and true as always, you were always there for us when we needed you most. Today, the afterlife called for you. These tears that we shed, these tears of sadness, over a loss of a great friend. Over the 9 - 10 months that I know you, you treated me with respect. I felt like I've known you for years. I appreciate it, just so you know. But alas, its time for us all to move on. That's what you would've told us to do, would've wanted us to do. good friends lasts forever -arwah md. yusri You will always play a part in our life. You will always be loved by those who knew you. You will always stay in our hearts. Semoga rohmu dicucuri rahmat. Amin. Al-Fateha LONELY, NO MORE
18.1.09, 12:10 PM
Happy 2009 everyone(:I've been great so far, what with my National Service and my singleton status. I shant elaborate but I will say this; For every passing minute, for every turning second, my heart beats only for you. Never in my life have I ever felt so appreciated. And I cant face the consequences should I ever lose you. Perhaps I shall end here. Oh yes, me and Ernie is gonna book a chalet for our birthdays. Does anyone know how to book the damn thing? -_- |
muhammad shahizwan09 mar '89 tps, evss, ite, scdf Stn Medic, Bishan Fire Station i'm a twentyone year old who prefers; night to day, the rain to the sun, the weekends to weekdays, grind to slide and black to white. i love photography, and i also enjoy reading and muvee. my status is none of your business but then again it's useless keeping quiet -_- i think girls with specs are sexy. guys as well. i dont do but i do smoke from time to time, cause that's how i roll. i love Chocolate Cream Chips from StarBucks but not as much as i love my homies♂ & my babygirls♀ i've gotten spat and critize for being who i am, so here's what i think of you guys: (-.-),!, Tagboard
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