30.11.08, 3:40 AM

Looks like there's gonna be another long internet draught for me. I'll seriously get bored. And know this, I will definitely be hanging out with Mrs. Bestfriend. Again. God, can it just gets worse than this?

First the job, then my PSP. Then the Creative VPlus and now this.

I really do have such rotten luck. And to think I'm actually heading for NS in this state. Urgh!

, 12:51 AM

Robert use to open this song back at BCRA. Ahhh he is the funnest(i doubt its even a word) officer there.


28.11.08, 11:24 PM

Look at her.
How much more neat and presentable can she get?

I'm so proud of my sister.

27.11.08, 5:56 PM
There's nothing like a day out with your bestfriends.
Especially when they bring about colourful flowers to play with.

More please(:

, 10:59 AM
Thanks to Narisa, I got temporarily stucked to this song.

Enjoy. Or not.

26.11.08, 4:48 PM

love has been on my mind for some time now,
but you've been the missing link

I'm blessed with a great family, and great friends. I'm happy, very happy indeed. I just want to share it with someone. Someone special. Will I ever find you?

I wonder.

14.11.08, 10:16 AM


Hello, aku ssshah(:
Strike me though, but why do some of y'all call me shawn?
I cant remember why.


13.11.08, 3:14 AM


12.11.08, 10:09 PM

I imagine everyone's been doing good and well who doesnt right. I've got so much to say but I'll keep it short.

Anyway, work was fabulous; of course up until I got fired. Yeah I got fired. Actually it came as no surprise to me. Since I was already skipping work it was clearly inevitable the fact that they'll evetually let me go. But the fact that I miss my colleagues more then I miss the free liquors and great pay came somewhat shocking to me.

Didnt occur to me that we've been together for close to half a year. So much so that I spend more time with them then my family. But it seems our time were cut short, due to fucked up officers and my required presence for National Service.

Narisa, my teacher who taught me everything. Those moments we spend at night after work talking about anything totally random.

Fafa, the girl who can reeeally take on my nonsense. They crap talks the dancing and all. I went out with you alot, and we did everything together too. The pierce, cigarettes.

Sahrul, my part time boyfriend at work. This kid has the most cutest look when he's confused. I used to laugh real hard at his expressions. For some reason though he's scared of my laughter-_-

Yusri, the guy that holds us all in one piece. Trust me without him work is just,..well work. Without him everyone's just dead. Its like working a bunch of zombies. Yours truly included.

Ernie, my childhood friend. She started work after I start two months ago. Eleven years and still strong ey(:

Rafi aka Mister I-Love-A-Good-Game-Of-Sex. The one who doesnt fail to steal some ice cream for us after dinner.

And Ja the new kid at work. She's just as insane so she'll fit right in lol.

I miss you guys. I really do.