29.6.08, 3:52 PM
![]() Meet Bai Ling, the actress hailing from China. Fun fact: Did you know that she speaks French, fluently? Shit, I'm so jealous. I seriously need to go to them classes. THE FRATERNITY
28.6.08, 5:03 AM
This muvee is mind-blowingly awesome! Based loosely on the comic book miniseries 'Wanted' by Mark Millar. A must-watch for moviegoers and those who with highly imaginative mind. (or so I've been told.) Enjoy the movie. HOW GORGE
, 2:27 AM
I can listen to him talk all night all day. gaspard ulliel(: UNDER RATED
22.6.08, 6:36 PM
Something to get my mind off. Looking forward for these. BEATDOWN
, 1:33 AM
![]() I wish there was a little more action scene. Oh well, Shawn definitely enjoyed this one. I'VE HAD ENOUGH
20.6.08, 10:36 PM
You're always there to ruin the day. I hate you, and I hate you more. My only wish is to see you suffer, the way I did. It's not like me to blurt this out here, in this blog but I cant take it any longer. These people leave such impacts on you. So much so that every little thing they do just makes it worst for you. It's sad really. One day we love the person and the next they'll just tear your heart right out. I've said too much now, but nomore. SENSITIVE DOER(:
, 6:34 PM
Kyle did this personality and I found it pretty interesting. So I did the test and well, here it is ('tis only some part of it though). ![]() Sensitive Doers are completely satisfied with a small, close circle of friends as their need for social contacts is not very marked. Here, too, they avoid conflicts - quarrels and disputes put considerable strain on them. Sensitive Doers are often very fond of animals and are very good with small children. As partner, this type is loyal and reliable and is willing to invest a lot in a relationship. Mutual respect and tolerance are very important to Sensitive Doers. Their love of pleasure makes them a pleasant companion with whom one can experience intensive moments. They like to look after their partner with attentiveness and small gifts and are very sensitive to the partner’s needs - often more than to their own. However, should they meet the wrong person, they run the risk of being taken advantage of. They are then deeply disappointed. Hah. And I think I already know what you girls are gonna say. Especially Ernie (: CHILDHOOD RELIVE-D
16.6.08, 2:44 AM
I got back to skating. Now, I'm exhausted and tired and suddenly feel so.. err let's just leave it at that. And I'm craving for some Starbucks. JEUNE FILLE PUISSANCE, VRAIMENT
14.6.08, 4:36 AM
13.6.08, 3:49 PM
Paranoia of oneself's It's been awhile since I last watched muvees with the babies. It's been awhile since I last had Starbucks fun with the StarbuckChillex Inc. It's been awhile since I last meetup for catching-up ssession with Moo the Imp. Oh well, busy time busy people. I can't wait for September though. Nikon D60 DSLR, wait for me sweetheart(: B I O
12.6.08, 4:08 AM
Halló vinátta. My name is Muhammad Shahizwan Noordin. I turned nineteen this year and I've just graduated from ITECE. I love arts&crafts and reading which somewhat pronounce me as a nerd. I'm still a rookie in photography but I'm going to learn more (about it). National Service isn't really an ass cause I'm actually looking forward to it. Oh, and I don't really look good-_- In response to Fikk's comment, I probably shouldnt be posting such an entry lol. Anyway I go by many names; Shawn and (Fahmi's personal favourite) Shahboy to name a few. I dont exactly remember how these name surfaced but I do know I acknowledge them. Now hold on a minute, why exactly are we discussing this again? *puzzled* GREEN SCREEN SHOW
11.6.08, 4:27 AM
"And my breast feels so much lighter" Lol SWEETER THAN IT IS BLOODY
10.6.08, 3:00 AM
Rookie's start. A little over the top perhaps? I was going through some of the sister's brochure and I came across one that caught my eye. Raffles Design Institute offers a delightful choice of (well duh) design courses, and Visual Communication was one of the few. The choice to continue in Electronics Engineering is there but I've got no passion or interest in it. At all. Yes, you can say that I 'excel' in that but let's face it it is boring. I'm currently comptemplating on whether after National Service I should go that path. It's very tempting, but I can't decide yet. I've got one teeny tiny problem though. Something rather radical perhaps. Either I lost my 'O' level cert, or I didnt collect it. you cant expect me to try for the design course using a HNITEC Electronics Engineering Cert now can't I? THE FAT LADY HAS SUNG
9.6.08, 4:35 PM
What a day ey, Shah. Nothing beats it like a good ol' slap-in-the-face fact. However much anger you have though, you can't stop the memories from flooding through you. Who could anyway? You probably thinking of a love that've gotten away. No, this isn't a time or place for regret. Rather, be happy that you had had the experience and were able to learn from it. A poor's judgement of the overcome doesn't exactly help matter. Nor does trying to relive or recreate the past. Other than reminiscing it, it is clear as hell, a recipe for disaster. NATURE'S
8.6.08, 3:58 AM
Some random shots They say that friends know you much better than your own parents. Prolly it's due to the fact that we spend most of our time with them friends. And since you feel more comfortable with 'em you tend to open up. I agreed(: Friends shape up your life. Without them you wouldnt be who you are. For that, my apology to Mister Fahmi Filth for yesterday. Anyway, I cant seem to post any sort of video. The resultant is scattered and scrambled previous entries. I need help. And I strongly feel its the template's html code. Joke of the Day: "Eskimo's pussy is mighty cold" A NICE CHANGE OF PACE
7.6.08, 11:40 PM
Random art piece of mine I should paint more. Try ten. Or maybe more. If so, then I could make a continuum. COLOURS OF THE MILL
6.6.08, 3:27 AM
I like the top picture(: Music: D12 - My Band @987fm A MEAGER EFFORT
5.6.08, 5:20 PM
I'm finally done. It took me awhile to get this new template up and running. Yes I know it's rather simple but that's the way I wanted it to be. I had to start the whole html code from scratch but that'll just have me shine with admiration. What'd you think? FOOL'S LOVE
4.6.08, 4:39 PM
When a solid fact lies straight in front of you and it's still hard for you to accept it, that means you're stubborn. But I'm not stubborn. I just choose not to believe it. if you love somebody, let them go. if they return, they were yours. if they don't, they never were. CHANGI BEACH
3.6.08, 2:05 AM
My first take. Using, with what Aisha PsychoFacades suggested. Start with something small; Samsung A402 Digicam. |
muhammad shahizwan09 mar '89 tps, evss, ite, scdf Stn Medic, Bishan Fire Station i'm a twentyone year old who prefers; night to day, the rain to the sun, the weekends to weekdays, grind to slide and black to white. i love photography, and i also enjoy reading and muvee. my status is none of your business but then again it's useless keeping quiet -_- i think girls with specs are sexy. guys as well. i dont do but i do smoke from time to time, cause that's how i roll. i love Chocolate Cream Chips from StarBucks but not as much as i love my homies♂ & my babygirls♀ i've gotten spat and critize for being who i am, so here's what i think of you guys: (-.-),!, Tagboard
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Design: doughnutcrazyImages: yunyunsarang Textures: I II |