![]() layout
2.6.10, 9:48 PM
This blog looks nice.In my opinion. But its just too bare. Its too bland. I ought to spice it up, ( thats what everyone says. but nothing will be done) A few pictures should be great, but what the fuck I dont even know if my blog is being read. I mean, noone comments about it nomore. Maybe I would be better off deleting it. But I gotta admit. Its too damn nice to be thrown off like that. Its my hard work. I did the layout myself man. FROM SCRATCH! j o b
5.5.10, 10:43 PM
ily. Anyways, work is really becoming a drag. Dont get me wrong, I still love what I do, its the other little things. Audit, IPPT, vehicle obstruction video downloading and just shitloads of paperwork. With these kind of benefits theyre giving, and with these salary they offer, honestly, I think its bullshit for us to even get appointed secondary appointments. Do we look like we're gonna spend our life there? HELL NO. Shits like these only you guys can come out with it. There's word for it. Nonsense. That aside, I got to know from Narisa that woohoo, William rehired her back. My previous job. My favourite job by far, apart from being a Medic. Should I go work for him again? As a part-timer, or full timer? Decisions, decisions. Not sure. But you guys'll know sooner or later. G'night y'all. Peace firepost truce
26.4.10, 4:08 AM
So here I am, sitting all alone in the dark at the dorm doing nothing.Thank god its a peaceful night. And amazingly I am still awake, considering I didnt get my afternoon nap yesterday. I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's nothing much for me to do. And I'm just randomly updating my blog. Everyone's asleep. Frannay. Aisyah Longan. Encik Halim. Even Sayang. Tsk. Everyone has been talking about wanting to go somewhere out of Singapore. Bintan. Batam. Cherating. Melaka. Australia. New York. Hong Kong You guys can really plan huh. Lol. Sometimes I wonder, when will I ever go out on a roadtrip as such. The last time I ever did that was.. five years back..? Yes. Pitiful and pathetic right? So I was thinking to myself since I've did somethings I've never done before this year, maybe..maybe I could go for a roadtrip. Oh well. Just an idea anyways. Gotta go now. SENTRYYYYYYYY! arab st
25.4.10, 3:12 PM
Let's just say that the weather is so unpredictable someone please remind me again why I was wearing jeans and black polo to Vivo yesterday?Yes, I practically was drenched waiting for sayang. To make matters worst, the LG fac was out in the open space so yeah again, bloody warm. Lol. Remind me of those days in BRTC and CDA. Anyways, went from Harbourfront to Bishan. Then back again, lol. Sheesha with Kelv, Sya and Frannay. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Poor poor Kelvin, vomitted five times. He couldnt stand the smell. Lol. Seriously man, I pity you. Oh yeah, two things happened yesterday that wasnt too much for my liking. 1. my Vans's sole came off. bloody three years shoe failed me. 2. my phone died. literally. cant even start the damn phone. But its okay. It wasnt too bad. I got to spend time wih my sayang. (= truth be told
23.4.10, 9:10 PM
Okay, I really miss you.*pauses* Yeap. That's about it. relatively
20.4.10, 1:40 PM
i miss you. memo-random, geddit?
17.4.10, 10:45 AM
I was at Clifford Pier yesterday, at around dusk.Serene and quiet. Place was exoticly proportioned. Great view, with skeptic lights. I need to go there again. For photo-session, and for another round of time spending with you(= Will be back with the pictures. back to reality
9.4.10, 11:48 AM
Im too lazy to post up all the other photoshoots, and whatnots for the past two months that I've been gone. It's too tedious.So I'll just start anew here. Anyway, I was quite frustrated with myself yesterday. Imagine, you stopped training for three months then you took your ippt. And you effing fail by 6seconds. Damn that oughta suck. It sucked, real bad. Tsk. But its okay. I'm trying again this Monday. (i'm too goddamn lazy, but i still have to try dont i) Besides, if I pass I'll get the skill allowance back(= Oh yeah, I'm working tonight. Not keen. Why? Cause that just means Monday's a few days away-.- FUUUUUUCK. geek's, first date
10.2.10, 6:37 AM
Finally done with the editting. Rookie's first try.Enjoy(= ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() For more, visit my FB page. geek, firstdate BTS
8.2.10, 2:15 AM
Behind the scenes of Geek's, First Date.We started a little late then planned because, lets face it noone in my clique ever comes on time. Despite all that, we managed to pull through. Yes, sunset was too soon. But I manage to get my shots(= Around & About
4.2.10, 3:36 AM
Another dull offday, another impromptu plan.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() End of the day its not which camera I use, its not how i take them pictures or the quality or whatever political and under table subject that contorts controversial topic. Its about the day's achievement. I love to take picture. Any picture. I think its lovely. Who are YOU to judge otherwise. You know who you are. Atrophy / Asreen Elfeena Ali
2.2.10, 10:32 AM
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() As promised. hospital enquiries
1.2.10, 4:08 AM
![]() Since it was Sunday, I planned an impromptu meet/shoot with bestfriend, Asreen. I've always wanted to shoot some pictures over at Old Changi Hospital, so that's exactly what we did. Huda and Din was present too so that pretty much add a whole lot more fun and chaotic imprints. Had to go through a crashcourse in Photoshop for the shots taken. I wanted it to be exactly as what I had in mind. So it was worth the staying up two nights just to finish 'em. I'll upload some in the next post, if I manage. first try-out. again.
30.1.10, 11:42 PM
Saturday evening, and I cant believe I got no plans. So instead, I made my own plans. Went over to Outram Park for some snaps at..well..just about anything I can see in the park really. It was not long after I got the chills and wimpout. What can I say, the place was really dark. And it was at night for crying out loud. classic park view
25.1.10, 1:57 AM
Thanks for the time and meet. You were definitely something I totally didnt expect. (= good riddance, you
21.1.10, 2:35 AM
Its a new year.I suppose you also want a somenew. What more can I say to you. Good riddance Congrats Shawn
17.1.10, 10:18 PM
I pass my ippt. LOLWhat a relief. Now that that's done, I can finally get my well deserve skill allowance. I mean lets face it, I did went through 7weeks of intense medic training and to think I missed out on almost 7months worth of skill allowance because of one lousy ippt, pfft. Thats absurd. So basically, I spent half my day at camp, and the rest was spend on resting up at home. Oh yeah, had with La Familia today. I think I had that coming to me for weeks. Its been a long while since I last had myself a sit with my parents. Be it out for lunch, or shopping, or well put it this way, I was with my pals alot more then them-.- Tsk tsk Shah's not setting good example ey. dad looks like he wants to sneeze dont he? lol bubbles, lollies and what?
3.1.10, 9:12 AM
Just when I thought things mightve been better for me and you, it turn out worst. Maybe its for the best, maybe not.But one thing's for sure. I cant stay home. Plans for today went to trash, so inadvertantly, I reincorporated new strategic mode of outing. Asreen and Shidah saw me through that. And guess what, we had fun sucka. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A NEW BEGINNING
16.11.09, 10:36 AM
What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Dedicated to you, babylove(= LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW
15.10.09, 4:53 PM
This was one of the time when I dont want time to fly by so fast.But there's nothing I can do is there? West and North-east isnt near. And work is being such an ass. Fuck all that shit. Plurrgh ONE NIGHT DUTY
26.9.09, 11:33 AM
Since there was two medics at fire post today, Ma'am Rahah let me be the paramedic. Cool aint it?(= I attended to all the case last night. Interact with my patients, the whole PAM shibang. It was an experience nonetheless lol. I feel like having a little of Dom Pérignon. 25.9.09, 11:45 PM
An awesome, awesome, awesome eleven year old. A PROMISING FIND
27.8.09, 12:49 AM
After God loses faith in humanity, the archangel Michael is the only one standing between mankind and the apocalypse. This time using angels as an act of Biblical judgment, God's wrath descends on Earth to exterminate the world's population. In a desperate, last-chance gambit, Michael leads a group of strangers in a small, New Mexico diner who must protect a young waitress who may be pregnant with Christ in his second coming. Neat, ey? (= MEDIC GONE WILD
26.8.09, 3:05 PM
If there's one thing I'm not crazy about is when someone of higher authority question my motive for not doing something I dont know ought to be done.How the hell am I suppose to know that I was required to sign those leave forms. I mean yeah I know I have to get em signed by myself, my PM and the office clerk, but damn you have the cheek to call me up and say why the hell I didnt sign the document. I'm not the one who asked for that VL and the PH. You damn jolly well know that YOU were the one responsible for creating my own forecast, listing and taking up all my leaves, putting in into my roster as and when you like. You put me up for VL and yeah I thought you settled the papers for me. But damn bitch, you ring me with that irritating voice of yours claiming I took my leave without having papers signed? Let me tell you something miss, you may be next in line for the role but you aint leader yet. I'll screw you where it hurts the most if I ever get the chance. You really dont like me dont you. Get me transferred out then. You have your boys dont you. Sticking up for them but when it comes to my homies you dump shit on us. You've done naught but crap. I hate you. We ALL hate you. DAMN HIDDEN CAMERA
24.8.09, 2:55 AM
Oh that's right, horny kid and fake mute man strikes again. |
muhammad shahizwan09 mar '89 tps, evss, ite, scdf Stn Medic, Bishan Fire Station i'm a twentyone year old who prefers; night to day, the rain to the sun, the weekends to weekdays, grind to slide and black to white. i love photography, and i also enjoy reading and muvee. my status is none of your business but then again it's useless keeping quiet -_- i think girls with specs are sexy. guys as well. i dont do but i do smoke from time to time, cause that's how i roll. i love Chocolate Cream Chips from StarBucks but not as much as i love my homies♂ & my babygirls♀ i've gotten spat and critize for being who i am, so here's what i think of you guys: (-.-),!, Tagboard
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Design: doughnutcrazyImages: yunyunsarang Textures: I II |